Covered Stents
PTFE Covered Stents
Aran Biomedical offers PTFE stent encapsulation services for balloon and self-expanding stents. The company has significant expertise covering even the most challenging stent geometries, including conical and flared stents, double flared stents, and even stents featuring integrated electrical components.
Stent covering wall thickness can be as low as 40 micron (0.0016″), ensuring minimum impact to sheath size when moving from a bare metal design. During the development phase, material encapsulation can be optimised to suit individual stent designs and the indication for use. Multi-axial laser processing ensures an optimum finish for the covered stents and the scope to integrate features into the stent wall.

Indications of PTFE covered stents include:
- AV/ popliteal or SFA stenosis
- Peripheral or coronary vessel perforation
- Endovascular & neurovascular aneurysm repair